It’s coming up to that time of year again and so we are putting on our annual Festival De Música!
We have four bands playing for you this year, kicking the festival off with the AWESOME Lonely Fire! These guys played for us earlier in the year and really are not to be missed.
Next up with have Chris De Santa who’ll keep the party going into the afternoon!
Bringing us into the early evening we have the awesome Rob Lewis – Phil Collins Tribute who’ll be playing Genesis’ and Phil Collins’ greatest hits.
And finally at around 20:00 we have the Stunning Proud Tina : Tina Turner tribute band. These guys have been rocking Spain with their superb Tina Turner tribute for years and we’re thrilled to have them playing the last set.
The Pool will be open until 7pm if you’d like to cool off during the day and there will be beautifully cooked BBQ food available to satisfy your appetite.
We are really excited for the festival this year, it’s going to be great fun! We can’t wait to see you there!
We will be updating this page with any additional information, so watch this space for more updates.